Road to IELTS


Road to IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is your best possible online preparation and practice resource for IELTS. This comprehensive and up-to-date service has over 300 interactive activities, advice videos from British Council experts, hints and tips on question types as well as downloadable practice tests. And now you can practice Computer-Delivered IELTS too! Academic and General Training modules are available.


Road to IELTS is organised by skill. There is no set learning path. Teachers or learners can choose the order in which they tackle the four key resources within each skill area:

1. Starting out: an eBook introducing each paper and explaining task types.

2. Advice and tutorial videos: experts explain the best way to prepare for IELTS.

3. Practice zone: candidates practise tackling the various question types, pick up exam tips and familiarise themselves with the exam format.

4. Test practice: candidates simulate the test experience with three full mock tests in each of the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Part 2 papers.


Academic Training Module           General Training Module