e-Books and e-Audiobooks

Your library membership gives you access to our wide selection of e-books and e-audiobooks, completely free. Find them on My Library app or via the browser from your pc, tablet or mobile. Libby and Borrowox can be also downloaded as apps onto your devices. 

TLC Overdrive

The Library Consortium Overdrive logo, black on white background

e-books, e-audiobooks

"The Library Consortium" allows you to access a wide selection of e-books, e-audiobooks and e-magazines from your browser, without the need to download any app in your device. Simply land on the homepage or explore some of its collections, such as kids, teens, or community languages.


Libby logo, green and white on a burgundy background

e-books, e-audiobooks

Browse on Libby.’s home page, the popular, the newest, or the available now pages, filter your results by selecting your favourite format and genre and enjoy! You can also download Libby, on App Store or Google Play,to bring your library everywhere.


Borrowbox logo, white on a bright green background

e-books, e-audiobooks

Try BorrowBox's homepage or select e-books or e-audio  and explore your favourite genre or other specific filters, like Award Winners, or Read From The Author to borrow or reserve your favourite title in your preferred format.


ULibrary logo, white on a blue background


Open Ulibrary to access a selection of e-audiobooks to download or reserve. Explore the Adult  or Children sessions, browse the different genres to reserve your favourite titles or chose the available now  to borrow and listen immediatly.


My Library App

The library app logo, black on red background 

Reserving & Renewing Books

Browse the My Library App to search the catalogue, reserve books and renew books online. When searching you can filter to your specific library, favourite genre’s or format. You can also download Libby, on App Store or Google Play,to bring your library everywhere.